Thursday, October 27, 2011

Jeepers Creepers!!

I saw Jeepers Creepers when I was in college and I still wont go near a school bus on a deserted suburban road! :) He is like a Freddy Krueger/ Scarecrow cross breed and something about that is just not right. Did you know Justin Long was in that movie? He has come such a long way!


Anyway, this post is about all things Halloween! Last month I received the coveted Pottery Barn catalog in the mail and was super impressed with the fun little table scapes and mantle scapes. They provided a ton of inspiration for me. Not wanting to pay a million dollars for some Halloween decorations, I did what any Savvy crafter would do and hit the Dollar Store. I found soooooo many cute props to use!

Here is my inspiration:

And here is my little table scape. Forgive the horrible lighting!